Library Services

The South African Library for the Blind:

User Services

Membership and Services are FREE to registered members. Our library user services staff are always on hand to assist members:


Members have the following options when searching the library catalogue:

WEBOPAC - Digital Catalogue

Web Online Public Access Catalogue (WEBOPAC) is the online digital library catalogue which allows searching for reading material through author, title or subject. A registered user can log in and reserve a book online and it will be posted to them free of charge.

VIOPAC- Voice Accessible Catalogue

Visually Impaired Online Public Access Catalogue (VIOPAC) is the simplified version of the Library’s catalogue making it easier for screen readers to search for reading material through author, title or subject. A user can log in and reserve a book online and it will be posted to them FREE of charge.

Audio downloads - Audio Downloads (Overdrive)

The library subscribes to the Overdrive catalogue offering additional audio titles. Titles from this catalogue option can be downloaded on a variety of devices by members of the library.

The options are accessible on the Library website:


Our ever expanding list of SALB Mini-Libraries (within many Public Libraries nationwide) provide tactile, Braille and audio books plus the use of advanced reading assistive devices.

SALB Mini-Libraries offer:

Download a list of all Mini-Library locations & contact details

Braille Services

National Braille Consultancy

Braille Production

Braille Collections

Audio Services

Audio Production


Audio Collections