Pressreader is offered for all members! Free of Charge!

PressReader available on the SALB website!

Connecting you with the stories you love, from thousands of sources you trust.

All you can read news to keep informed, entertained and inspired every day.

- - Thousands of titles, trusted sources - -

Get your favourite publications and discover new titles that you’re sure to love.

Choose from thousands of magazines and newspapers and read them in the image-rich original layout.

See this content come alive and personal as you can listen, share, translate or comment on it.

Download issues that you can enjoy both on- and offline.


-Easily discover content searching by publication name, interest, country, or language preference

-Read publications and stories just as they appear in print

-Read full stories in an attention-grabbing, horizontal news stream in text view mode

-Personalize your news feed with specific sections from publications to build your own newspaper or magazine

-Download full issues for offline reading

-Instantly translate stories in up to 16 languages

-Listen to stories with on-demand narration

-Find stories on your topic with advanced search across multiple publications